Benjamin has a writing workshop each day in his class. He is beginning not just to tell stories, which he has been doing for about a year: now he wants me to write the story he dictates.
Here is tonight's endeavor. After making sharks with play dough, he wanted to write this story.
About Fish
Sharks have teeth. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat snakes. Sharks swim. Sharks leave all the time. Sharks go to their family. Sharks play together and wrestle. Sometimes they be alone by themselves. When sharks be alone, sometimes they be worried about fish. When they show up together, sometimes they lose their teeth, sometimes they get bigger teeth when they have grown.
Some sharks don’t have teeth because they just bite hard. When they do something, somebody catch fish, sometimes the sharks are the first ones there.
When they get some fish they play together, when they don’t like fish they open their mouth and take them out. When they play together and when they eat snakes, they are together. When they play together, they are responsible.
A budding author! Go Ben! How sweet that he likes to "dictate" his stories to you. :c) Hope you all have a beautiful weekend my friend.
Hi, Just popped by to say hi and let you know I'm back to doing my Word Imperfect blog at last. Hope to see you there. However, you may also be interested to know that I have just had my first picture book published and one of the key elements is about shark mothers! Funny, since your blog is about sharks. My book is called Your Mother Didn't Do That! Maybe you can google it.
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